Mayor Bloomberg to APPEAL Blocked Sugary Drinks Ban | Judge BLOCKS Super-sized Cola Ban

2015-10-04 2

Mayor Bloomberg to APPEAL Blocked Sugary Drinks Ban | Judge BLOCKS Super-sized Cola Ban Mayor Bloomberg to APPEAL Blocked Sugary Drinks Ban | Judge BLOCKS Super-sized Cola Ban Mayor Bloomberg to APPEAL Blocked Sugary Drinks Ban | Judge BLOCKS Super-sized Cola Ban

New York City mayor calls judge's ruling a "temporary setback" in fighting obesity epidemic.A New York judge has struck down the city's plan to ban large sugary drinks from being sold in some places -- just hours before the new law was due to take ...

Yo Bloomberg Things Go Better With Coke! Share This Video: Watch: Yo Bloomberg I'm Lovin' It! ...

New York says it will defend health initiative to limit sales of sugary drinks.

Richard French, Andrew Whitman, Dominic Carter, and Political Science Professor at Iona College Jeanne Zaino debate Mayor Bloomberg's proposed ban on ...

Mayor Bloomberg to APPEAL Blocked Sugary Drinks Ban | Judge BLOCKS Super-sized Cola Ban Mayor Bloomberg to APPEAL Blocked Sugary Drinks Ban ...

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